Four Tips For Surviving Medical School


After the stress of applying to medical school and the whirlwind of emotions once you've been accepted, fears about moving out and making new friends are the icing on the cake.

Don't let this get you down. Remember everyone is in the same boat as you and you're not thrown in at the deep end from day one.

With the right guidance and support you will find your feet much quicker than you expect. Here are a few pointers to help you with the transition.

Medical school is not as scary as you imagine it to be.

Medics are notorious for becoming very close knit. This is for good reason: as your work and routine become more stressful it is important to be able to talk to people in a similar position.

Don't worry about forging these friendships on day one, they do just happen. Medical schools understand how important it is for students to bond and the school will have a medical society (MedSoc). This is run by students who organize events, sports teams and nights out to help everyone to get to know each other. These nights out are helpful at first to help you get over any awkward conversations in lectures.

Have a balance network.

Saying this, don't underestimate the importance of having non-medic friends. Life in medical school can be intense at times. Remember, there is a world outside of cadavers and pathology and at times you will really want a slice of it.

You've put other interests on your personal statement so make sure you put them into practice – get involved in as many activities and societies as possible and keep your interests broad. A successful doctor is one that has an understanding of the big wide world.

Take the workload in bite sized chunks.

What is expected of you in terms of behavior and volume of work is different to other students. Turning up hungover to dissection is horrible, and while it is OK to miss the odd lecture, you'll find the pace of teaching is fast and the topic moves on quickly.

You're expected to be able to juggle a lot of different elements at the same time and this takes a level of maturity and time management. Saying this, you don't have to be hidden away in the library all the time.

A doctor should be well rounded, personable and able to cope with stress. Find the time to go over anything you are unsure about and ask others for help.

If you're struggling, then someone else definitely will be, so support one another. Be generous with your time as there will definitely be times when you need to rely on others.

Appreciate opportunities given and keep an open mind.

Throughout medical school you will meet a huge range of people. Remember it is all part of the experience and try to learn from everyone you meet. Seeing and doing as much as possible will enrich your time as a medical student.

You may have your heart set on a speciality now, but most medical students change their mind as they progress. You don't want to miss out on opportunities by being blinkered to one field.

One of the best opportunities at medical school is anatomy classes with cadavers, so do make the most of the opportunity. Dissection is an asset to your learning and although it can be information overload at times, it does get easier.

It can be surreal at times, but you do get used to it (and the smell). It seems to be true – the smell of formaldehyde does make you hungry. And there's no shame in a post-anatomy pub lunch.

And lastly, enjoy yourself. Make sure you don't burn out: you've worked incredibly hard to get to where you are but it is important to look back on your time as a student doctor with fond memories.


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